by Kimberly Lebron When an individual applies for credit, either personally or to guarantee a loan, the lending institution will evaluate that person’s credit history. This is done by pulling a credit bureau report. A credit report is a snapshot of your credit history and will determine if a lender will extend credit based on your past performance. The credit reports also calculates a credit score using factors such as promptness in paying bills, total available credit, amount owed on … [Read more...]
Microsoft Access
Q. We are looking to upgrade our Access database to include all departments and remote offices. However, this means Macs and PCs will now need to use the database. Can we continue to use Access? A. The short answer is no, not directly. I recommend researching the cost to move your database to FileMaker Pro. This database integrates well with Microsoft Office and is cross platform compatible. Ask the Expert is a column which helps provide solutions for the small business owner. Our Expert … [Read more...]
Top 10 Pitfalls
Statistics state that half of all small businesses will fail in the first 5 years, a challenge even for the well thought out plans. But most of these pitfalls, once you identify them, can be changed to work in your favor and increase your odds of staying in business. Avoid these top 10 pitfalls if you want to stay in business: Procrastination. The saying is true "Don't but off until tomorrow what you can do today". The piles don't get smaller with success and if not dealt with can … [Read more...]